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BerichtGeplaatst: do dec 19, 2024 12:04 pm 
XL Gebruiker
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Geregistreerd: do jan 04, 2007 4:16 pm
Berichten: 1644
Woonplaats: Düsseldorf, Germany
GPH! I had to flee your house in Birdsnest Av in the middle of the night due to the violence from couple in room 2 against me. He kick my room door open 3 times and insulted me as “Nazi”! I had to call LCT Police because the situation escalated! 181224-754 Incident No. In the morning the male was detained but released in the evening and started threatening me. She did too. In the afternoon LPD investigated the couple’s room. PS: The WIFI password you sent still is wrong!

Current mileage: 243.951 km/151617 mls
17.4.2015 Erster Motorschaden in Smilde, NL
29.6.2023: Tweede motorstoring in 56594 Willroth, G.!
28.4.2024: 41 jaar eerste bezitter van zijn XL600R
29.9.2024 XL stolen in Leicester, UK!

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BerichtGeplaatst: wo dec 25, 2024 8:18 pm 
XL Gebruiker
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Geregistreerd: do jan 04, 2007 4:16 pm
Berichten: 1644
Woonplaats: Düsseldorf, Germany
The only person I know here in Leicester is the guy that I already met on the day of theft (September 29, 2024) when I asked the overotective witnesses of the neighborhood of the Fosse Road Central.
His name is Ed or Edward. (“@What?”)
He introduced and invited to the tea round and Christmas dinner in the church here.
The food was on Christmas day at 1 p.m. and nearby.
It was jam -packed with poor figures in the Methodist Church.
The food was really not bad and smoking was forbidden to my luck!
You don't believe it, but ED is as old as I do! My goodness. Am I really so old ??? :oops: :lol:

De enige persoon die ik hier in Leicester ken, is de man die ik al heb ontmoet op de dag van diefstal (29 september 2024) toen ik de overotectieve getuigen van de buurt van de Fosse Road Central vroeg.
Zijn naam is Ed of Edward. ("@Wat?")
Hij introduceerde of nodigde me hier uit voor de theekronde en voor het kerstdiner in de kerk.
Het eten was op eerste kerstdag om 13.00 uur en in de buurt.
Het was jam gepakt met slechte figuren in de Methodistenkerk.
Het eten was echt niet slecht en roken was verboden voor mijn geluk!
Je gelooft het niet, maar Ed is zo oud als ik! Je bedoelt goedheid. Ben ik echt zo oud ??? :oops:

IMG_4404-256kb.jpg [ 208.55 KiB | 125 keer bekeken ]

To date, I have put up a total of 45 flyers.
Unfortunately, there has been no response of any kind worth mentioning.
Tot nu toe heb ik in totaal 45 folders verspreid.
Helaas was er geen enkele feedback die het vermelden waard was.

Current mileage: 243.951 km/151617 mls
17.4.2015 Erster Motorschaden in Smilde, NL
29.6.2023: Tweede motorstoring in 56594 Willroth, G.!
28.4.2024: 41 jaar eerste bezitter van zijn XL600R
29.9.2024 XL stolen in Leicester, UK!

Antwoord met een citaat  
BerichtGeplaatst: zo jan 12, 2025 6:59 pm 
XL Gebruiker
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Geregistreerd: do jan 04, 2007 4:16 pm
Berichten: 1644
Woonplaats: Düsseldorf, Germany
Ist dieses tolle Photo von meiner XL600R und mir – geschossen von Mitglied Charles Deakin auf dem Parkplatz vom Caravan Park in Trecco Bay, Wales am Samstag, den 21. Sept. 2024 – womöglich das letzte gemeinsame Photo, oder geschieht das kleine Wunder und meine geile, treue und teure Enduro taucht wieder unversehrt auf?

Is deze geweldige foto van mijn XL600R en mij – genomen door lid Charles Deakin op de parkeerplaats van het Caravan Park in Trecco Bay, Wales op zaterdag 21 september 2024 – mogelijk de laatste foto samen, of zal het kleine wonder gebeuren en zal mijn geweldige, loyale en dure Enduro ongedeerd weer verschijnen?

Is this great photo of my XL600R and me – taken by member Charles Deakin in the parking lot of the Caravan Park in Trecco Bay, Wales on Saturday, Sept. 21, 2024 – possibly the last photo together, or will the small miracle happen and my awesome, loyal and dear Enduro will reappear unscathed?

20240921_095437AA-256kb.jpg [ 249.2 KiB | 83 keer bekeken ]

Current mileage: 243.951 km/151617 mls
17.4.2015 Erster Motorschaden in Smilde, NL
29.6.2023: Tweede motorstoring in 56594 Willroth, G.!
28.4.2024: 41 jaar eerste bezitter van zijn XL600R
29.9.2024 XL stolen in Leicester, UK!

Antwoord met een citaat  
BerichtGeplaatst: za feb 08, 2025 4:35 pm 
XL Gebruiker
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Geregistreerd: do jan 04, 2007 4:16 pm
Berichten: 1644
Woonplaats: Düsseldorf, Germany
Hello XL-Forum!

A nice report on my stolen HONDA is online in the British newspaper LEICESTER MERCURY to read!

German tourist offers reward as beloved Honda motorbike stolen in Leicester

News By Ciaran Fagan, 13:55, 31 JAN 2025

The text there is:

Gabriel Grabowski, 66, has offered 1,000 Euros - approximately £835 - for information which leads to the recovery of his red and white Honda XL600R


A German motorcyclist has offered a reward for help to find his beloved motorbike which was stolen when he visited Leicester to meet up with other riders. Gabriel Grabowski, 66, said he hoped the offer of 1,000 Euros - approximately £835 - would encourage someone to help reunite him with his Honda XL600R.

Gabriel, who lives in Dusseldorf and is the only German member of Britain's Honda Owners Club (HOC), bought the bike new in 1983 and has covered approximately 250,000km on it. He told LeicestershireLive: "I have invested all my fortune in this Honda. This motorcycle is something very special to me."

The bike was stolen from the Fosse Road Central area of the city, in Westcotes, at the end of September last year after Gabriel and other members of the club had been to a rally. One of his reasons for travelling to the UK was to four members who had helped him out of a tricky spot a couple of years ago.

He said: "In September 2022, also after a HOC rally, an attempted theft of my machine took place in the Travelodge Hotel in Derby. My Honda was damaged so badly by the thief that it was unrideable. Four British gentlemen helped me get my Honda up and running again in a 24-hour emergency repair so that I could ride back to Germany."

He reported the Leicester incident to Leicestershire Police but the case remains unsolved. He said: "I even returned to Leicester in December for 17 days to search extensively for my machine, talk to the police, put up leaflets, find and question possible witnesses. Unfortunately, so far without any positive results."

Gabriel can be contacted at

Current mileage: 243.951 km/151617 mls
17.4.2015 Erster Motorschaden in Smilde, NL
29.6.2023: Tweede motorstoring in 56594 Willroth, G.!
28.4.2024: 41 jaar eerste bezitter van zijn XL600R
29.9.2024 XL stolen in Leicester, UK!

Antwoord met een citaat  
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